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segunda-feira, maio 06, 2019

Church of Stratford-upon-Avon (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The man screams on stage:
- "It is very dangerous the temptation that draws us to sin by loving virtue!"
- So be it! - responds to the mass of believers.
- "A woman would go through the fire and the water to have such a bandy man!", cries the woman.
-  So be it! - respond the faithful.
"I have to believe in my master!" - she says.

In the interview room, the reporter asks:
- What is the purpose of placing the playwright´s opus as the central Book of your worldview?
- We need simple phrases that might attract emotion, the woman said. Shakespeare has been a success for centuries, beginning with his actors who had much to learn by heart.
- But the playwright himself does not have a contradictory and ambivalent work? How to say The Complete Works is one thing.
- Shakespeare is simplification. We realized that the idea of ​​people continually generating questions dissociated society. The left-wing preach that there is "we" and "them". Taking into account the multitude of authors with whom the Academy has attempted to create confusion, the Stratford-upon-Avon Church says that "a Bardo unites, a protest splits" - the Reverend replied.
- You speak of mass deportation of nonwhite workers. Would Shakespeare accept that?
- "Your son-in-law is much more beautiful than black." Othello, Act I, Scene III. 
- How did the idea come about?
 - Of the actors' method. They received many pages only with their lines, but without the vision of the whole. Fear and anger, that's how the world turns, says the woman. Shakespeare gives a response to everything.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

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