
Ajude a manter esse blog

quinta-feira, abril 25, 2019


Um corpo foi encontrado.                                                                                                                                  
Tenho de ir visitá-lo no hospital. recolhido na rua, sangrando, pata emendada, corte profundo, antibiótótico. 
No jardim da casa, gritos na noite. 
Dormindo em círculo, saudade do irmão. 
Nunca procurei o pote grande para água no jardim. Depois que fugiu pelo portão aberto. Quem abriu? 
Irmã se vai, pula, quer comida, come pouco. 
Agora aqui, lembro do outro. 
Mãos dadas, um tubo de soro na sua pata. 

Por que escolhi como trabalho olhar tudo face à face? 
A -  "Ele está morto? Ele morreu?" - eu disse. Eu decido sair daquele lugar. Por que fui parar naquele lugar?
B - Um jardim com uma casa branca. Os pássaros na rua.
B - Aquele animal, preso na casa. Preso dentro do vidro. Aquele animal tem sede.
A - Eu corro pela rua, as árvores estão cheias de flores. Eu esqueci algo. Eu esqueci de voltar.
B - A culpa é minha.
A - Eu estava exausto.
B - Eu devia ter procurado mais.
A - Eu pensei, amanhã resolvo isso.
B - Por que não imaginei que lá fora, quem sabe...
A - Frágil, frágil, frágil.
B - Frágil, frágil, frágil.
A - Frágil, frágil, frágil. 
B - Eu enterro o animal no jardim. Vou embora.
Uma maldição - ela disse. Veja essa carta. Eles iam te matar, mas eles são nossos protetores, essa é sua missão. 
eu penso em nós mesmos como gatos, cercados de cães, não nos ajustamos, fazemos sexo com outros gatos, somos sujos, queremos ir no churrasco da família, mas eles pensam, são sujos, esses dentes brancos que só falam de filhos no exterior, de formaturas, de carros, de bebês
eu penso que meu pai não entenderia o que eu fazia naquela casa gótica, não entenderia que eles não podiam entrar na sala
eu penso - vermelho sem respirar penso que não entendeu e quase morreu do coração - mas uma mulher, esse é seu papel
eu preciso vestir certas roupas para ser respeitado, o primo diz, eu entendo, você já viu essa série, nem sei mais o que ele está falando.


Escrevendo o poema

No jardim

fincando as patas...
nunca cheguei a /entender-te

luz amarela diagonal
quando inicia /novembro
algumas flores em /cachos/ e o cinza

nós dormíamos abraçados

Eu te perdoo. Mas isso adinta pouco, porque estou morto.
Eu lembro de como nos conhecemos - como foi mesmo? Já lembro.
Eu fazia um círculo com meus irmãos Palas e Krisna - Palas Athena, Krisna, Odin: a nega, o malhado, o loro - e nos lambíamos numa orgia de carinhos. Eu sempre fui o galã da casa, com meus pelos longos, cada irmão com uma genética. Aristogato.
Lembro quando Palas Athena chegou. Ela não era muito heroica, uma cópia mais caramelho de mim, cabia na mão.
Uma semana depois, na rua escura, os gritos de Krisna. Atropelado aos dois meses. Ele parecia ter perdido metade da coxa. Você o limpou, injeção todo dia, e não é que os ossos se uniram e a coxa se regenerou? Krisna, gato-lagartixa.

E Palas esperou uma semana e depois entrou (coisinha miúda) entre você e o computador. Lutando pelo seu espaço de bebê.
Dentro do apartamento, eu sempre usava uma coleira, porque quando a janela se abria eu ficava à duas patas da verdaderia vista. Eu fazia bico.
Até que um alemão veio e acabou a escravidão. Era um ativista.
Eu te olhei com muito ódio naquela noite em que fiquei dentro da caixa de vidro. Você não entendeu.
Apesar disso passamos bons momentos juntos. Talvez, se existe isso de que nossa missão é morrer pelo nosso líder, eu seja o verdadeiro heroi.
Odin. #

metrô lotado
metrô lotado
metrô lotado
metrô lotado
metrô lotado


랴벼댜 2 ㅡㅑㅜㅕ샌 ㅡㅐㄱ새
Eu morri por 2 minutos.
Eu tive um ataque cardíaco. Estava no festival coreano, pintando seda.
Onde iriam meus livros? Meus gatos?
Não quero morrer de novo.


Agora aqui, lembro do outro. Foi bem na cirurgia.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Afonso Jr Lima

quarta-feira, abril 24, 2019

How good to live (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

Why was I such a coward, he would say to the short, almost white, almost Lower-upper-middle-class boy. It was in 1984.

He looked at the men in social shirts, they could be fanatics. People posted photos of their books on the Internet, voting was on the teacher or barbarism. How he'd been fooled, it did look like a democracy.

But he had donned a bourgeois shirt, was trying not to have any expression.

He remembered the girl attacked in front of the museum for having a red button. A friend fired for having a "red" work permit.

The man at the entrance to the school smiles. No political symbol, all neutral, religious and white walls.

Because it was childish to be afraid.

But he remembers the Thought Police. Remember that you have created an enemy to seize power. While delivering the document, he remembers what the candidate said: "Whoever looks for missing bone is a dog." You are being watched. You have to be helpful. You are being emptied and cannot be anti-progress.

They will not hit me. They will not threaten me with a piece of wood. I will not be stabbed like the park's gay boy, the transvestite from the downtown bar.

I'll vote and come home in silence.

Cómo es bueno vivir (ESP)

Por qué fui tan cobarde, decía para el chico bajo, casi blanco y casi de alta clase media baja. Estaba en 1984.

Miró a los hombres de camisa social, podrían ser fanáticos. Las personas ponían en la internet fotos de sus libros, la votación era en el profesor o en la barbarie. Como él se había dejado engañar, parecía incluso una democracia.

Pero él había vestido una camisa burguesa, intentaba no tener ninguna expresión.

Él recordaba a la muchacha atacada delante del museo por tener un botón rojo. Una amiga despedida por tener "carnet de trabajo rojo".

El hombre en la entrada de la escuela sonríe. Ningún símbolo político, todo neutro, paredes religiosas y blancas.

Como era infantil eso, tener miedo.

Pero él recuerda a la Policía del Pensamiento. Recuerda que crearon un enemigo para tomar el poder. Mientras entrega el documento, recuerda lo que dijo el candidato: "Quien busca hueso desaparecido es un perro". Usted está siendo observado. Usted tiene que ser útil. Usted está siendo vaciado y no puede ser antiprogreso.

No van a golpearme. No me van a amenazar con un pedazo de palo. No voy a ser apuñalado como el chico gay del parque, la travesti del bar del centro.

Voy a votar y llegar a casa en silencio.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

Como é bom viver

Por que eu fui tão covarde, dizia para o rapaz baixo, quase branco e quase de alta classe média baixa. Estava em 1984.
Olhava os homens de camisa social, poderiam ser fanáticos. As pessoas postavam na internet fotos de seus livros, a votação era no professor ou na barbárie. Como ele havia se deixdo enganar, parecia mesmo uma democraacia. 
Mas ele havia vestido uma camisa burguesa, estava tentando não ter nenhuma expressão.
Ele lembrava da moça atacada na frente do museu por ter um boton vermelho. Uma amiga demitida por ter "carteira de trabalho vermelha". 
O homem na entrada da escola sorri. Nenhum símbolo político, tudo neutro, paredes religiosas e brancas. 
Como era infantil isso, ter medo.
Mas ele lembra da Polícia do Pensamento. Lembra que criaram um inimigo para tomar o poder. Enquanto entrega o documento, lembra do que disse o candidato: "Quem busca osso desaparecido é cachorro". Você está sendo observado. Você tem que ser útil. Você está sendo esvaziado e não pode ser antiprogresso. 
Não vão me bater. Não vão me ameaçar com um pedaço de pau. Não vou ser esfaqueado como o rapaz gay do parque, a travesti do bar do centro.
Vou votar e chegar em casa em silêncio. 

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

segunda-feira, abril 22, 2019

The life of insects (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

If at the beginning of the 21st century, someone said that the end of the world would be related to the end of the insects, people would probably laugh. And yet, we watch it from up here.
When the fanatical barbarians were elected in the principal capitals of the world, because of the fear of weak policing and misery, and established the law of "one empire and one religion," prohibiting other religions and atheism, Christians began to live in fortresses and left the neighborhoods abandoned to other peoples - semi-enslaved. Science was hard hit.
Soon, they decided that no law that would restrict commerce could prevail, and that included the spread of poisons in the fields. Quickly, the subversives and common criminals were condemned to slow extermination by the work. A military man rebelled to defend the rights of the prisoners, was hanged and resentment was created.

Pests arise for lack of insects. The fruit begins to disappear. The water and soil were different after the ladybugs died. Some birds were becoming rarer and rarer. The first reports of insufficient crops appear and generate violent manifestations.
Biologists have tried to preserve insects in secret laboratories, also on independent islands. The subversive kingdom was attacked, but the Empire was lost in the muddy islands. Scientists are able to insert into moths a virus capable of eliminating barbaric leaders. The chaos that followed practically only preserved our automated stations managed with sunlight around the planet.
At the same time, the plants began to die and the terror spread with the lack of seeds. In the ships arrive the rats that bring the fatal plague; there was a dangerous civil war. A punishment, to redeem souls, was said. But medical treatment and urbanism were criminalized for trying to make, in the words of the cardinal, art "a mirror of nature," when "salvation is in the abandonment of the flesh."
We could only register an explosion that spilled over the digital towers, hitting the miserable huts around. Our instruments ceased to register human life in 2074. Insects multiply.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

domingo, abril 21, 2019

The archaeologist's discovery (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

When I created a fictitious country, being a geo-archaeologist and artist, I just wanted to make an irony with the forgery of objects that is flooding the antique sales. I created maps, artifacts, tapestries, created false excavations, and detailed the vestiges of the magical land.
Was there something like this in Spain? First, an amateur archaeologist confirmed my findings with photos. Later, a lecture at a German university citing my writings and drawings. Then auction objects of the fictitious world. Then TV, and I confess that I was silent about the improbable effect. It proved the influence of the "barbarian" in the heart of Civilization. I blamed myself for giving evidence as evidence in very real illustrations. For example, the scene of the Brazilian dance at the marriage of the daughter of Henry II and Catherine, Elizabeth, with Philip II in 1550.

When my maps were exhibited in the gallery of the Museum of Light, it was no use telling me of their falseness. The lines roamed the corridors with the euphoric surprise of a new discovery. Science magazines debated my ideas seriously. I was surprised when an old book in a library seemed to confirm my finding: but I could not be sure that the work was prior to my creation.
A reporter proposed a documentary. I decided to check if my kingdom could be forged. One can not always observe the real, however: one has to imagine it. I put together arguments to prove the improbability of fabricated civilization. The scientific community came after me, even before the show went on the air, and Television gave up the project.

I started retreating to my mansion in the hills. This "real" world was not collapsible.
Once a month, I walk for two hours to visit the museum about my strange country. How many museums were gaining from this past? I walked in the silence, it is as if the shadows of my art watched me sinister. I remembered the Arab philosophers, for whom magic with sounds and the names of God was permitted, but never with the Daemons.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

A vida dos insetos

Se, no início do século XXI, alguém dissesse que o fim do mundo estaria relacionado com o fim dos insetos, as pessoas provavelmente dariam risada. E, no, entanto, nós o assistimos daqui de cima.
Quando os bárbaros fanáticos foram eleitos nas principais capitais do mundo, pelo medo instalado devido ao policiamento frágil e à miséria, e estabelecem a lei de "um imperio e uma religiao", proibindo as demais religioes e ateísmo, os cristãos passaram a viver em fortalezas tecnológicas e deixaram os bairros abandonados aos demais povos - semi-escravizados. A ciência foi duramente atingida. 
Logo, decidiram que nenhuma lei que causasse limitação ao comércio poderia prevalecer, e nisso se incluiu a disseminação de venenos nos campos. Rapidamente, os subversivos e criminosos comuns foram condenados a um extermínio lento pelo trabalho. Um militar se rebelou para defender os direitos dos presos, foi enforcado e criou-se ressentimento. 
Pragas surgem por falta de insetos. As frutas começam a desaparecer. A água e o solo estavam diferentes depois da extinção das joaninhas. Algumas aves eram cada vez mais raras. As primeiras notícias de colheitas insuficientes aparecem e geram maifestações violentas. 
Biólogos tentaram preservar insetos em laboratórios secretos, também em ilhas independentes. O reino subversivo foi atacado, mas o Império perdeu-se nas ilhas enlameadas. Os cientistas conseguem inserir em mariposas um vírus capaz de eliminar as lideranças bárbaras. O caos que se seguiu praticamente só preservou nossas estações autômatas geridas com luz solar ao redor do planeta. 
Ao mesmo tempo, as plantas começaram a morrer e o terror se esparramou com a falta de sementes. Nos navios chegam os ratos que trazem a peste fatal; houve uma perigosa guerra civil. Um castigo, para redimir as almas, se disse. Mas o tratamento médico e o urbanismo foram criminalizados por tentarem fazer, nas palavras do cardeal, da arte "um espelho da natureza", quando "a salvação está no abandono da carne". 
Só podemos registrar uma explosão que se esparramou pelas torres digitais, atingindo os casebres miseráveis ao redor. Nossos instrumentos deixaram de registrar vida humana em 2074. Os insetos se multiplicam. 

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima 

"A vingança dos bebês"

Esse episódio pouco conhecido está nos anais da dinastia Lung, quando a Máquina Central foi implementada para conectar as mentes através de "pensamentos primitivos", estabelecendo as bases de uma civilização ordenada. 
Foi quando os pais começaram a desejar "acelerar a evolução" e "dar vantagens competitivas" aos bebês implantando o que eles próprios haviam experimentado à mais de cinquenta anos, expansões e aplicativos bio-robóticos. Uma menina de um ano seria a terrorista original, depois de passar com sua mãe uma tarde inteira num shopping. 
O que sabemos foi coberto por uma onda de informação falsa com o intuito de evitar mais questionamentos. Mas podemos supor que os bebês assim ampliados - misturando as forças pulsionais confusas e os dons do espítito mal emcaixados - começaram a perceber que haviam sido abandonados pelos pais, cujos celulares eram expandidos da palma da mão devido a células alteradas. Em redes mundiais, essas crianças super-dotadas começaram a tramar um ataque hacker a esses celulares.
O que ninguém imaginou foi que a Máquina Central, que praticamente se tornara um ente pensante autônomo, na medida em que manipulava e absorvia os dados do globo inteiro, estava começando a duvidar do valor de sua própria vida e tornara-se um tanto depressiva. Ele era apenas parte de um sistema. Quem se importava com seus sentimentos e dores?
Portanto, decidiu vingar-se de seus criadores e interferiu na ação dos filhos, fazendo com que as células alteradas cometessem crimes contra seus "donos". Depois, muitos começaram a atacar espaços públicos, jogando bombas em lojas e lançando automóveis contra prédios. O Palácio da União estava em chamas. 
Pais espantados queriam saber se os seus filhos realmente haviam decidido hackear suas mentes. Agora, choravam como bebês de verdade. E faziam cocôs da vingança. 
O caos só pode ser contido quando a Máquina finalmente cometeu suicídio, ao mesmo tempo desligando os "pensamentos primitivos". Durante uma semana, as autoridades tentaram reconectar os sistemas e reimplantar as memórias sobre o mundo. Finalmente a onda de harmonia apagou as incertezas. 
Mas a dinastia Lung não durou muito. 

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima 

sábado, abril 20, 2019

A descoberta do arqueólogo

Quando criei um país fictício, sendo um geo-arqueólogo e artista, queria apenas fazer uma ironia com a falsificação de objetos que está inundando as vendas de antiguidades. Criei mapas, artefatos, tapeçarias, criei falsas escavações e detalhei os vestígios da terra mágica.  
Teria existido na Espanha algo assim? Primeiro um arqueólogo amador confirmou minhas descobertas com fotos. Mais tarde, uma palestra numa universidade alemã citando meus escritos e desenhos. Em seguida, leilão de objetos do mundo fictício. Depois, TV, e confesso que fiquei calado diante do efeito improvável. Provava a influência do "bárbaro" no coração da Civilização. Culpei-me por ter dado como provas pistas em ilustrações muito reais. Por exemplo, a cena do baile brasileiro no casamento da filha de Henrique II e Catarina, Isabel, com Felipe II em 1550.
Quando meus mapas foram expostos na galeria do Museu da Luz, não adiantou eu dizer de sua falsidade. As filas percorriam os corredores com a surpresa eufórica de um novo descobrimento. Revistas de ciência debateram minhas idéias com seriedade. Fiquei surpreso quando um livro velho numa biblioteca parecia confirmar meu achado: mas não consegui ter certeza de que a obra era anterior a minha criação.   
Um repórter me propôs um documentário. Decidi verificar se meu reino poderia ser falsificado. Nem sempre se pode observar o real, entretanto: é preciso imaginá-lo. Juntei argumentos para provar a improbabilidade da civilização fabricada. A comunidade científica veio em meu encalço, antes mesmo do show ir ao ar, e a Televisão desistiu do projeto. 
Comecei a me retirar em minha mansão nas colinas. Esse mundo "real" não era desmontável. 
Uma vez por mês, ando duas horas para visiter o museu sobre meu país estranho. Quantos museus estavam ganhando com esse passado? Caminhei no silêncio, é como se as sombras de minha arte me observassem de modo sinistro. Lembrei-me dos filósofos árabes, para quem magia com sons e os nomes de Deus era permitido, mas nunca com os Daemons.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

The case of unnamed bodies (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The bodies appeared floating in the river but disfigured. As there were no reports of the missing, Oto, a young university student, decided to investigate the case. He had read countless books in which an amateur detective could sense the footsteps of criminals.
Oto went to the priest of his parish. He was an occult scholar.
Now the priest said that he was sure that the dead were from the invisible part of the city.
"Do you ever notice that there are no slums in this city?" When people occupy a plot of land and start erecting miserable houses, the government soon creates a park and drives people to another city. face as guinea pigs. "
He sought the city coroner. The man was not at all sympathetic, but he insisted and told her to tell him something strange. Finally, he revealed two things: the bodies seemed to have marks of violence, and one of them seemed to have a vibrating movement on his tongue and hand.
He remembered what the priest said, that the public executions had created a taste for the grotesque among the city's residents. "Insensibility became a rule, I saw a boy playing with a rotting body that was left on display in the square," he had once said.
Oto decided to stay the night near the head of the river. It was the most accessible place for any such act. Hidden among the trees, he watched the moon and the strange sounds of the animals. I was not asleep. But she was not afraid either.
In fact, he saw on the third night a man dressed in a black overcoat approaching the car, and pulling a bag into the bag. He tried to see more accurately, luckily the night had a full moon.
It seemed as though the bag was moving. He felt a cold spine.
The other day, a little tired, he went to the priest. The man poured her wine and whispered,
"I had not imagined that. You know I've been studying these things for a long time. The Chinese already talked about it. The Egyptians learned from the Indians the same techniques. But it was in the eighteenth century, in Germany, that a sage began to create the theory. He studied in Newton the concept of universal gravity and postulated the presence of a universal energy. He was famous for healing pains with a magnet. According to the scientist, it would be possible to transform the invisible energy of the ether into magnetic force and this into organic force. Some men have long wondered what the limit of death is if a body can be kept alive through cold or any energy. Someone has gone back to studying animal magnetism.
Oto left with a strange sensation that he could not define. Why did he want to know about such somber things? He ended up falling asleep in his bed on a book. He dreamed that the mutilated prisoners were taken to a macabre laboratory and kept alive for a few hours, then returned to silence in the river.

Afonso Jr. Ferreira de Lima

sexta-feira, abril 19, 2019

The Atomic Man (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The tanks arrived at the palace at four o'clock in the morning, a mist taking over the courtyard.
The president and his wife were taken to jail.
The first public statement by the new head of state - somewhat annoyed at the pulpit filled with microphones - spoke of atomic warfare.
People scratched their heads.
"Why unearth such an old story?"

On the other side of the world, the leader of the free world immediately responded by speaking in "atomic warfare." He needed more than a trillion dollars.
Newspapers spoke of government cuts in funding for science.
Conservative media on the internet bombarded the positive effect of fiscal health.
Journalists have recalled the vexation in international institutions, attacks on national justice, the new tax on universities and tax cuts for the rich and their corporations.
The president told his wife:
"We do not have to negotiate. Democracy is advertising.
He promoted a gala and tweeted:
- The enemies of the people use sophisms to put the Free World in danger.
One journalist raised the suspicion, suggested by one source, that the peaceful president on the other side of the world had been overthrown with support from the intelligence agencies since the government received a lot of money from the military-industrial complex.
A senator proposed an investigation, received visitors in his office. "Democrat socialism" on the wall.
The alarm sounded preparing citizens for atomic warfare.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

quinta-feira, abril 18, 2019

Two unfinished towers (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

If the reader so consents, we will try to discover through thought the sensation of discovering in the old library the colorful and delicate painting. The blue, red and gold robes stand in front of the beautiful river, the village in the distance. But what strikes the most is the two unfinished towers.
It was the beginning of the 19th century. Everything was falling apart, even the absolute monarchy of divine right. Marriage required money, not enough anymore a stone bench - a pillow for poets or beggars. Sir Walter Scott had made money. "I never finished anything, everything always stays undone forever." The grotesque beautiful, like nature.

Here come the other worlds. The world woke up from tumultuous sleep. Maybe those colored robes are watching something new. A foreigner? 
Would it be masses to save the souls of Purgatory, with the prayer of Saint Gregory? It was already the time when Abraham told the rich man in hell: "There is a gulf between us." It is in the Body of Christ that they gather alive and dead.

The cathedral was in ruins. As he passed in the Gréve square, his heart squeezed with the suffocated tower thanks to the modernity that quickly devoured the old facades of Paris. He wanted to be an active part of society, the poem. Now it is Purgatory, in which the Lady purifies herself in flames and water. She watched the story and played on our faces her memories.
These drawings have been stacked in the libraries for centuries. From the north, nature, from the south, the distance. A renewal that was not seen in the world that looked to the Greeks to arrive in the future.

But now the writer knew that everything was unfinished. The danger of the myth of science. How the past awakens us from the dream of self. The hero can mobilize worlds, pass his strength to the lost youth, but the adult needs to know the symbols that unite us, which makes us preserve the collective life, instinct for survival. The real is also built.

Life depends on creation. Sahrazad collected and told everything he had heard. The writer watered the plume: "The main enemy of absolute power is the memory."

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

Duas torres inacabadas

Se o leitor assim consentir, tentaremos descobrir por intermédio do pensamento a sensação de descobrir, na velha biblioteca, a pintura colorida e delicada. Os mantos azuis, vermelhos e dourados estão em frente ao belo rio, o burgo ao longe. Mas o que mais chama a atenção são as duas torres inacabadas. 
Marchava o começo do século XIX. Tudo desabava, enfim, a monarquia absoluta de direito divino. O casamento exigia dinheiro, não bastava mais um banco de pedra - travesseiro para poetas ou mendigos. Sir Walter Scott havia feito dinheiro. "I never finished anything, everything always stays undone forever." O grotesco belo, como a natureza.  
Aqui entram os outros mundos. O mundo acordava do sono tumultuado. Talvez esses senhores de mantos coloridos estejam observando algo novo. Um estrangeiro? 
Seriam missas para salvar as almas do Purgatório, com as orações de São Gregório? Já fora o tempo em que Abraão disse ao rico no inferno: "Há um abismo entre nós". É no Corpo de Cristo que se reúnem vivos e mortos. 
A catedral estava em ruínas. Quando passava na praça Gréve, seu coração apertava com a torre sufocada graças à modernidade que devorava rapidamente as velhas fachadas de Paris. Ele queria ser parte ativa da sociedade, o poema. Agora é o Purgatório, no qual a Dama se purifica em chamas e água. Ela observou a história, e joga no nosso rosto suas lembranças. 
Esses desenhos ficaram empilhados na bibliotecas por séculos. Do norte, a natureza, do sul, a distância. Renovação que não era vista no mundo que mirava os gregos para chegar no futuro. 
Mas agora, o escritor sabia que tudo era inacabado. O perigo do mito da ciência. Como o passado nos acorda do sonho do eu. O herói pode mobilizar mundos, passar sua força ao jovem perdido, mas o adulto precisa conhecer os símbolos que nos unem, o que nos faz preservar a vida coletiva, instinto de sobrevivência. O real também é construído.
A vida depende da criação. Sahrazad recolheu e contou tudo que ouviu. O escritor molha a pena: "O inimigo principal do poder absoluto é a memória". 

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

quarta-feira, abril 17, 2019

The death of Ivanov (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

Silently, at the rustic table, by the light of a fine candle on a silver chandelier, stood the author. The tea was cold, newspapers scattered across the table. A crisis was approaching. He heard a song. His old Bible, for a moment, brought to mind the terrible ten years in prison and the infantry on the ice. Would you feel your body double again? Again that power would take him, what did he call God? The clarity that transforms everything, a serene ecstasy, the feeling of having understood and justified life and hope. But not: burned villages, rows of men shot, hundreds of peasants hanged, crowds walking in the snow in the middle of winter. He tried in vain to move his body, paralyzed. Where can freedom lead us? A student shoots the Tsar. An activist returns from Geneva with a mandate to organize a secret society. They kill one of the members who decides to leave the group. Mujiques pass with axes/ Something terrible will happen - he listen.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

segunda-feira, abril 15, 2019

Saturn (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The company promised a peaceful, dreamless sleep as a substitute for suicide.
People floated in capsules inside the Saturn space station.
He never imagined that one of them, upon awakening ahead of time, would narrate the trip to a strange dimension.

- The Metallic Queen dominates the most developed planet - Double - and commands the others with local bosses and vassals. A war was being waged by two rebel planets, but the Queen has a powerful spy ring and thousands of enemies have been thrown into space (some may imagine coming to this dimension after a cosmic storm). I was arrested for verification, so I supposed, and she took me to her castle. In that universe, people are identified by their actions, any subjectivity is considered bad taste. I, therefore, was a savage. The Queen could see the future, even of neighboring dimensions, she foresaw a war between Russia and China with the United States and showed images of entire regions of this country devastated by nuclear bombs. Finally, in the laboratory of the castle, I could see ghosts of my companions of Saturn, their souls trapped in capsules unconscious. With their energy they fed the queen's telepathy web. And I? You woke up in the dream, she told me, and so she'll wake up soon. So I was prepared to go back to Saturn and fight the war to come.
The company decided to warn the president.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

domingo, abril 14, 2019

The legend of Torryl Negal (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The machine was impressive. Shama was euphoric. The neighborhood was completely abandoned. He had the vision for only two minutes, but he was sure there were people around.
He sought out his father, the best diviner of the oracle priests, and told of the transtemporal vision.
"I forbid you from any attempt to change things," he said.
"But, Father, we are under a regime of force. The legend of Torryl Negal, how they rid the world of a criminal domain.
"No one knows what can happen."
"For years, you have quoted the oracle:" The meaning of all things is that they have already happened before. "
All people used the Oracle to hear what the myths explained about the present. His father was one of these new priests, a pioneer of neurophysics, of robotic computing, a discoverer. What had happened was that the war on drugs had led to a division of society between poor people and people who had a means of survival. The effect of addiction was used as justification for the elimination of users. The only remaining freedom was the choice between the brands of the products.

He continued his experiments. It was able to materialize in the street at the time when the end of taxes was approved. His plan was to kill the senator who triggered the drug war.
The Oracle always said that reality was an illusion, that being was connected, that energy could be transformed and the matter was energy. Shama knew this in her body.
He had the vision of the senator in his room watching the city. He materialized in the corridor.
"Who would have killed him?" asked the man on the phone.
Shama listened.
"We know that the future awaited us. Neighborhoods dominated by criminals. Our strength rests upon order. Now that he's dead, we'll have to keep alive the memory of crime to organize society. Arrest the strangers.
Only then Shama understood. "They've happened before." His father had killed the world's biggest trafficker.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima
mai, 2017

sexta-feira, abril 12, 2019

Evil force (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

I was exhausted and bewildered. What other tortures would he suffer? Would the executioner, the spy, the man of faith come to disturb my body and mind? My lookout began to tell his delirious story: "At first, I was about 18, called my parents from school asking me not to go. Soon they hid people and burned books. 

The newspapers said: A glorious day for the country! I stopped at the corner to talk to colleagues. A policeman approached, furious: More than two is a rally, he said. The university was surrounded. We started taking drugs in a crazy gesture of rebellion. We were taken to a labor camp, or, as we later discovered, extermination through work. We took minerals from the earth, lived dirty, without food, without medicines, rotting. The lice sucked and grew. There were many in the mental confusion he was in, and having heard that nervous anxieties engendered hallucinations with insects through the body and infested the houses, he wondered whether hell was not the result of the disorganization of our brain. 

Many cried and had fits of fury banging their heads against the wall, or they began to shake, or speak to the dead with their eyes fixed. One of them called for his mother all night, but we did not even listen. We started eating the infected lice in our desperation. My father finally discovered my whereabouts and bought the guards for me to be transferred here. "I remembered the joyful child he had been and how he liked riding horses and eating blackberries in the field. What other tortures would he suffer? That night, who would upset my body and mind?

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima, 2012

quinta-feira, abril 11, 2019

Metamorfoses (ESP)

(Esta es una traducción rápida. La versión puede no estar en su forma final.)

El detective descubrió que estaban organizando una manifestación por el centro de la ciudad, que romper las tiendas de los inmigrantes.

La población estaba revuelta.
Las noticias decían que los ejecutores de los líderes asesinados por desviación de dinero habrían sido asesinados.

- ¡Los lobos! ¡No vamos a quedarnos con la imagen de asesinos, cuando todo lo que queremos es nuestro país para nosotros mismos!

"Los lobos". Ya hacía un buen tiempo que los soldados habían desarrollado mamas, debido a los nuevos implantes, que alteraron las hormonas.

Un aviso en su escritorio en la comisaría. "Las guerras y las armas tocadas por Eros se vuelven enfermos".
El detective tenía un informante en el ejército.

- Ellos no quieren admitir el error. Nunca deberíamos fomentar grupos extremistas.
El Ejército había atacado por error un barrio en la periferia de la ciudad. Los soldados derramaron gas tóxico y ametrallaron a cinco personas.

Un mensaje anónimo llegó a la comisaría.
"en ese lugar ver a los dueños de las noticias". Se encontraron en un bar.

- La gente tiene miedo. Ellos controlan lo que pensamos.

Las familias Loan, Shadir, Van Har, Dreka se sentaron en la mesa. Las inteligencias habían previsto una posibilidad del 99,9% de que los habitantes del barrio Marphez se convirtiera en criminales. Pero lo que no estaba claro era que en ese barrio el gobierno estaba desarrollando un grupo terrorista.

La reunión decidía cómo la población sería informada del hecho. La familia Shadir recordó el asesinato de dos altos miembros de la Organización por la Organización. Podría ser un motivo.

Un aviso en su escritorio en la comisaría.
"Busque esta historia en el libro" Metamorfosis ".
- ¿Los implantes? - él leyó - Cambió todo y generaron el ataque.

Afonso Jr. Ferreira de Lima

terça-feira, abril 09, 2019

Metamorphoses (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The detective discovered that they were organizing a demonstration through the center of the city, they would break the stores of the immigrants.

The population was disgusted.
The news said that the executioners of the leaders murdered for misappropriation would now have been murdered.

- It was the wolves! We will not be left with the image of murderers when all we want is our country for ourselves!

"Wolves." It had been a long time since the soldiers had developed breasts because of the new implants that altered the hormones.

A notice on your desk at the police station. "The wars and weapons touched by Eros become sick."
The detective had an informant in the Army.

"They do not want to admit the mistake. We should never encourage extremist groups.
The army had mistakenly attacked a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. Soldiers poured toxic gas and machine-gunned five people.

An anonymous message arrived at the police station.
"in this place see the owners of the news". They met at a bar.

"People are afraid. They control what we think.

Families Loan, Shadir, Van Har, Dreka sat at the table. The intelligentsia had predicted a 99.9% chance that the inhabitants of the Marphez neighborhood would become criminals. But what was not clear was that in this neighborhood the government was developing a terrorist group.

The meeting decided how the population would be informed of the fact. The Shadir family recalled the murder of two senior members of the Organization. Could be a reason.

A notice on your desk at the police station.
"Look for this story in the book 'Metamorphoses'.
- The implants? - He read - They changed everything and generated the attack.

Afonso Jr Lima