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quarta-feira, abril 17, 2019

The death of Ivanov (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

Silently, at the rustic table, by the light of a fine candle on a silver chandelier, stood the author. The tea was cold, newspapers scattered across the table. A crisis was approaching. He heard a song. His old Bible, for a moment, brought to mind the terrible ten years in prison and the infantry on the ice. Would you feel your body double again? Again that power would take him, what did he call God? The clarity that transforms everything, a serene ecstasy, the feeling of having understood and justified life and hope. But not: burned villages, rows of men shot, hundreds of peasants hanged, crowds walking in the snow in the middle of winter. He tried in vain to move his body, paralyzed. Where can freedom lead us? A student shoots the Tsar. An activist returns from Geneva with a mandate to organize a secret society. They kill one of the members who decides to leave the group. Mujiques pass with axes/ Something terrible will happen - he listen.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

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