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segunda-feira, abril 22, 2019

The life of insects (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

If at the beginning of the 21st century, someone said that the end of the world would be related to the end of the insects, people would probably laugh. And yet, we watch it from up here.
When the fanatical barbarians were elected in the principal capitals of the world, because of the fear of weak policing and misery, and established the law of "one empire and one religion," prohibiting other religions and atheism, Christians began to live in fortresses and left the neighborhoods abandoned to other peoples - semi-enslaved. Science was hard hit.
Soon, they decided that no law that would restrict commerce could prevail, and that included the spread of poisons in the fields. Quickly, the subversives and common criminals were condemned to slow extermination by the work. A military man rebelled to defend the rights of the prisoners, was hanged and resentment was created.

Pests arise for lack of insects. The fruit begins to disappear. The water and soil were different after the ladybugs died. Some birds were becoming rarer and rarer. The first reports of insufficient crops appear and generate violent manifestations.
Biologists have tried to preserve insects in secret laboratories, also on independent islands. The subversive kingdom was attacked, but the Empire was lost in the muddy islands. Scientists are able to insert into moths a virus capable of eliminating barbaric leaders. The chaos that followed practically only preserved our automated stations managed with sunlight around the planet.
At the same time, the plants began to die and the terror spread with the lack of seeds. In the ships arrive the rats that bring the fatal plague; there was a dangerous civil war. A punishment, to redeem souls, was said. But medical treatment and urbanism were criminalized for trying to make, in the words of the cardinal, art "a mirror of nature," when "salvation is in the abandonment of the flesh."
We could only register an explosion that spilled over the digital towers, hitting the miserable huts around. Our instruments ceased to register human life in 2074. Insects multiply.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

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