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sexta-feira, janeiro 07, 2022

The mythology of the flesh

(This is a rush translation. Copy may not be in its final form.)

Many of them were interviewed so that the pieces could be picked up. They kept them alive to take their children; then they called the parents and showed the photos of the bodies.

But all survivors of the invasion heard the story of the Black Book.

They told the story of the God Carnivore. He had created the first human and, from the same substance, a female. The First asked for a hierarchy among them, and the woman was banished. The second woman was created from the material of the First, but it seemed repugnant to him to see her flesh taking shape once it was destroyed. The Third emerged after an induced sleep, amplified from the same material. But the truth is that, before they reproduced, the First returned and, taking the form of the Third with the use of magic, managed to get pregnant. The God discovered and removed the ripe fruit from the womb of the First, placing it in the Third. Thus were born the Golden Twins. The First's son wanted to avoid the death of the beings he saw as brothers, he refused to offer offerings, so he was punished with a curse: in delirium, he ate the younger brother's heart and went on to live a second life. Their descendants are the Children of Heaven, whose parents left the earth centuries ago. Somehow, therefore, the followers of God, upon returning, should take the children of human women and then kill them, as God had done with the First. They would renew the species.

Now, invasion historians were reconstructing the mythology of the flesh.


Afonso Jr Lima

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