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quarta-feira, maio 22, 2019

It was nearly midnight (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

"Dare to know!" The Great Awakening of America against the British monarchy, the Revolution that thrilled the young Hegel, chemical and electrical energy exciting the curious minds, colonies fighting against Spain.

"The book was Ruined Empires of Volney... These wonderful narratives inspired me strange feelings," Mary Shelley wrote in 1831.

I always thought she was talking much more than she seemed to say, talking about the emancipation of the woman through her imagination.

So I thought that another woman, dead ten years earlier, had broken up with the Goddess Reason.

"What are you walking at this hour of the night in war costumes, and who looks like the dead king of Denmark? Speak!"

Little Ann had watched the ghastly Hamlet in the Christmas theater. In the library, the book showed tortures of the Inquisition.

Her husband arrived late from the paper. She had already written and published four books, successfully. The "Shakespeare of Romance".

This image was so horribly natural, that it is not surprising Emily should have mistaken it for the object it resembled, that she had believed this to be the murdered body of the lady Laurentini, and that Montoni had been the contriver of her death.

The "powerful sorceress" did not leave her house. At society parties he did not try to be sympathetic. She watched and noted, almost nothing is known about her life.

There was a lot of anxiety in the air. She was a friend of Mrs. Darwin, suspected that her little blond-haired son would be read as the man who reduced mankind to monkeys?

Your last book is different. Here, the night reigns. She was beginning to tire of the new face of science, less question, less suspense?

What happened on that cold night, the low-fire fireplace in which the trees slammed in the window and a shadow hung over the woman's heart?
Did she fall asleep on the feather and the paper? Did you receive a strange visit? Did he hear a voice? Did she enter the dream and navigate the unexplained?

"It was nearly midnight, and the stillness that reigned was rather soothed than interrupted by the gentle dashing of the waters of the bay below, and by the hollow murmurs of Vesuvius, which threw up, at intervals its sudden flame on the horizon, and then left it to darkness."

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

Um comentário:

Nsantiago disse...

“It was nearly midnight, and the stillness that reigned was soothed, then interrupted.....”