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quinta-feira, maio 16, 2019

XIV (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)
He arrived late at the office, XIV was preparing the news the next day. He said he had a strange night. He woke up in his bed and could not move. Through the wall, he saw his daughter vomiting in the bathroom. Many people danced in a street, drugs, men kissed twelve-year-old girls without a face, a desperate mother was looking for her daughter.

Suddenly one of them turns to XIV and says: "I am noble, I won this medal in the war against the Indians". A beggar girl wrapped in a gray blanket, a baby on her lap. Where is your father, asks XIV, she shows a corpse of a black man, like a fruit hanging from the trees. A priest by his side says, "I came to ask you permission to the burial". In the street where they danced, now they saw cars burned, attacks on shops, confrontations. Only then did he realize that in the other room, his daughter, who had vomited after dinner, had fainted. You can not move. XIV notices a native man hiding behind the door and wakes up. XIV comments that they are called to think next week's agenda, want to insert subtexts, a terrorist group or solitary avenger had been committing crimes against policemen in the periphery. He arrived in the office late because he had not slept well, he had discovered that he had been around the house looking for something in the drawers. Next to his bed, a dirty sneaker with blood.

Afonso Jr. Ferreira de Lima, 2015

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