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segunda-feira, julho 01, 2019

Mercurius - part 1/2 (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

Mercurius - part 1/1 

I could not understand; I had taken the material to my friend Jonas, a know-it-all. He was one of the victims of recent events: gone, just like my father. All I needed now was his, and my friend Lorena, whom I had hurt. And thinking about it, I remembered the witch named Luisa. An innocent man had also been murdered.

I tried to erase from my mind what I had seen in the games room. I felt feverish, delirious, the train shook. I thought that with some effort he would restore the laws of nature to the world, everything would be explained. Our perception, after all, was a heap of bundles of sensations, deceptions, opinions.

I remembered my father and how he had not trusted me. Since the age of eight. I had become the little fool. And I had taken refuge in my inner life. I remembered one of the texts, perhaps written by my grandfather.

He said:

The divine water is brought by the winged Amnaël, says the "Isis to Horus", séc. I. I am the egg of nature, the old dragon; the sages create from me the microcosm, says the "Aurelia occulta".

The Anthropos, the fire that gives life to everything: The Alchemist, so he wanted to be called, worked in the vas, countless nights, even having to stop to meet the request of a friend astronomer and calculate. The old magic will help me talk about the attraction. Who would have thought he was in science as the god of the mechanism? Damn calculations, did not anyone know Euclid? Writings of Art, full trunks.

The artificial Trinity hides the unique structure of Solomon's Temple. The universal force: the omnipresence of God the Father; the vegetable actions in the micro-craft: the look of Christ. Atman, purusha: as Mephistopheles was a spirit, it was from him that could come, from antiquity, the homunculus. The sun with its tentacles of divinity. It was a microcosm: the stone walls seemed alive, there were nightmares, skeletons came out of the earth. Inside the dome, they lived, so tiny they could barely be seen, plant, tower, land, lake. Spirits.

At night he heard the laughter of Wotan's mates, legions of souls, winners of the battles, or woke up to the cry of Merlin, who came out of the woods after leaving the human world beyond and beyond reason. How to penetrate the whole? The nature of matter, God himself. The Tower began to lose its sharpness. Dark clouds covered the glass. Green burned, poisoned liquid. The theologian did not sleep, the stars were spinning. Come on, overcome the friction of the earth, extract the inherent logos in the dense mass. Why is life so fragile? Collapse.

I remembered a conversation with my grandfather, the times he had gone to his farm, around the age of twelve. We were in the library - where I spent some time reading Shakespeare, Montaigne, and other fables - and wrote a book with a picture of Catherine de Medici and the caption: "The Sorceress Queen."

My grandfather commented:

- Do not believe what you see. In the Renaissance, it was thought that the king should be an initiate in the secrets of the universe, leading the people to the correct way of living and loving God. Today, science thinks it has this secret. Adoration toward the center: an Inflexible God, a wise-tyrant, a dominant culture. Wisdom exists but belongs to the gods, a few mortals. There was in Athens, shortly after Plato's death, in 347 BC, a group of sages called the College of Surveillance. They kept young atheists, supposed witches, and depraved in jail, under torture, in what they called the House of Return to Reason.

It was by things like these that I was a little afraid of him, though I also saw him as a sage emanating a sort of incomprehensible serenity.

The game room. I saw the scene yet. Are you coming for me? But what would that be? My father had sent an e-mail saying he had to travel by surprise, I had not any news from him for two days.
I'd walk into the living room, wake up in the middle of the night. I had seen two figures. The creature does not turn me around, but it's as if we've mentally talked to each other.

I say creature because, despite the human form, there was something insane, savage: was he bent over a woman? Was he attacking her? It seemed to me to glimpse his face, a spasm of pain. I had had several times the sensation of "leaving the body" and flashes of scenes that showed me something. I was exhausted, I felt sick. Without having been noticed, I had run away, taken all the money I could, clothes, credit cards, and gone.

The train simply shuddered, as if the ground had moved. I was surrounded by a dark cloud of unpleasant smell. I looked out and it seemed to me that it snaked from a dark, wet thing that moved quickly, and I could hardly think what it would be like when the very roof of the car opened, a blinding light all invaded and I saw something which condensed in my direction, grabbing me and snatching me. I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a place that looked like a cave, but it was definitely out of time. An old man, naked, his body covered with symbols and staff, was watching me; the walls had ancestral paintings.
- Shamans all over the world make a family. They are the beings that fly and apprehend with the gods. What is the reason? How many reasons are there? The reason is jail? Is there only truth or falsehood? What to do? How to find the way?

- Who are you? I finally managed to articulate.
- Drink in the Water where life flows. The tribe. Get together. Earth educates. Accepted. The meaning is imprinted on the fire. Everything is one thing: the forest speaks. Everything here is a dream, the shadow exists only with the real. They were many people, of stone, of clay, of fish, of the forest. Word-arrow, being of language. Tune the light body. The sound calls the four elements, Mother Earth, Father Sun. The emptiness within us. We are not divided into parts and groups that do not communicate. Men of pleasure, of knowledge, of spirituality, of wealth. Your body is energy. Now I can transmute your atoms. You will never be the same again. It will never be yours. For this way, there is no turning back.

I feel as if I have fallen from a great height.
- Ask. I'll answer if you want. There is a lot you need to find out and not much time.

It was still a cave, but it felt like the world as I knew it. There were several shelves and a fireplace. In the background, behind a passage, I saw ancient instruments, like a laboratory. A man with long beards, in an old-fashioned coat.

- Yes, there are forces you still do not know. When you were younger, those three men convinced your father that you were crazy, lived in the fantasy world. Your father is not evil, but has an inflexible personality, and was used. You wonder about the murder. Where is the man, how could he have disappeared from the face of the earth? I will tell you about M., a sage who in 1617 published the book Atalanta. At the time, in the Italian courts, after presenting the rules of the game, an emblem, a painting, a poem or a saga were motes for the discussion of a theme. Extract the hidden virtues of things and overcome emanations from evil. Festivals, paintings, tombs attracted similar forces from the universe. Atalanta was a Greek princess abandoned by her father in the forest and suckled by a bear. Crafted by hunters, she despised marriage. Because she was very fast, she swore she would marry only someone who would beat her in a race. The protege of Aphrodite, Hipomenes, overcame her by dropping the golden apples the goddess had given him. Aristotle said that at first dense vapors created stones and minerals, and moist vapors, the metals. This story illustrated the relationship between invisible mercury and sulfur. A papal decree forbade anyone to speak of alchemy in Venice, and M. changes the name of his art by publishing the treaty under papal patronage. Soon after, it disappears without a trace. I know what you're thinking. Take this little book. Inside it is a man's hair.
I opened my mouth to ask something.

- Lord Kevin has a newspaper, you know. It has to do with a terrible political force that penetrates the judiciary, the parliament, and the executive. They legislate everything from education to prison work, free labor. They divide the planet into niches. We need maintenance, expansion, they say. They lay down thousands of employees, and things go unrepaired. It is about buying members of Parliament with consultancies in exchange for support in passing laws. There is something being prepared. It is the end of the water, of fish. This project will destroy people, a way of seeing the world.

- Who are they?
- Yes, in a deeper way, it is also a matter of creating an idea of ​​reason, of intelligence, of chosen people, of development - also the erasing of the Phoenician and Egyptian structures of Greek construction; the erasing of magical research and imagination as the foundations of modern science. The myth in reason. A Platonic Structural Analogy between the State and the Human Soul.

I remembered a conversation with my grandfather when watching TV, we saw the shocking case of a pregnant girl, who, being very weak, prostituted herself to maintain her addiction. The client, in a violent sexual fantasy, threw her on the wall, and she died.

- Have you heard of that group that invades funerals of young gay men with plaques reads: "Fags, go to hell?" It is the world of fear. How to enter the world of the other? How can we believe that we do not unravel everything without falling into fanatical sectarianism? Empiricism is a fable, like any other. We live an unstable identity, constantly depending on our professional success and consumption. Can science answer everything? Kant, the German philosopher, said that the spiritualist Emanuel Swedenborg was a fraud. He had, for example, had a vision and told those present that a fire was occurring in his distant city, which was later confirmed. Thus "reason" closes the circle of the real. There has been a closure of the human sciences in themselves, people, lost, companies and consultants create better or worse theories to explain the human.

- We, young people, see the gray future, I said. The world seems so dangerous. I'm always afraid of people.

- The world must be rebuilt, my son. Young people with the hikikomori syndrome, more than 1 million in Japan, are 8, 10 years locked in their rooms, playing online at night and sleeping during the day. Their mothers leave food outside the door. The educational world has become sinister and oppressive to them. Even though the Japanese government has taken many steps to make education more sensible, parents tend to put their children in even tougher schools. Traditionally, a child who does not have "success" is viewed as a shame to the family. Salvation comes from knowledge. Of course, antiquity also bequeathed other ethics, of the collective, of the love of nature, of meditation. But the great educational force today is an avalanche of propaganda for the external, goals, sensory pleasure, appearance, speed, individualism, forgetfulness. It is a time of intolerance. But we know that those who overestimate material success are more likely to be depressed than those who build an inner world, values ​​creativity and exchange with the group, the city. We live the metaphysics of the experiment and the onychompetence of quantitative science. (...)

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