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quinta-feira, outubro 17, 2019

The heroes (English version)

(This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.)

Opening the womb, the internal organs fell. Now it was illegal to defend the forest. The cacique was a leader. The hunters had a mission to create terror by leaving their bodies on the burned logs.

"The Indian ran and fell," said the journalist on TV.

But the shaman posted on twitter:

The lawless militias from highlands

port of the slave natives

Dom had organized

of Christian vassals the hunt

from of stolen life

the income of the whole village

Even being of Spain´s

even in the closed church

the people were cut and killed

while running away, the same agony

in children and old people killed

the violins didn't play

in slavery

But the holy King authorizes

and when the mighty European

in the canoes descended to the attack

another force knocks him down

in the war of freedom.

Afonso Junior Lima

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