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sábado, dezembro 07, 2019

The Infernal Tower (English version)

(This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.)

The vampire called The Archangel.
- I slept for almost a century under this cemetery. I managed to live with a mansion on top. But now they want to demolish the museum and build a tower for the hysterical bourgeois.

Miguel had to be faithful. Many years ago he had decided to come down to earth and live a night of binge; he drank, fell in love with a boy (apparently did not yet understand the idea of ​​gender norms) and eventually signed a paper in exchange for some help in seduction.

He was considering using the old Egyptian curse trick now, which ended any business by making the members fight. But upon returning to heaven, he received Hermes's visit.
- The Superiors don't want to. You have to allow the Infernal Tower, he said.

Miguel could not believe it. The Superiors did not use to seem so concerned.
The alchemist, Dr. Sherlock, and Japanese Mask were on the coast in that sunset.

- I think Miguel is kidding me, he knows I wear a top hat and cape.
- Why make fun of a man whose nickname is Dr Sherlock?, said Japanese Mask. He used that name because somehow thin white porcelain had stuck to his face.

The alchemist said:
- My sources report that this cemetery may be related to very important events. Nix was called to a meeting with Ramiel.

Japanese Mask had this gift of becoming invisible with his stillness.

- A group of young people will use this tower to create a revolution. They will use technology to change behavior. They hate democracy. Ramiel, with his visions, prophesied that people will die in labor camps, there will be human sacrifices and land will be stolen with the extermination of entire populations.

The red-stone castle was in the Land of Seven. Miguel read Syrian manuscripts. Ramiel entered his house like a huge snake.
- You always had a performance vein Ramiel. I remember when they formed that colony on earth.
- Archangel Beloved, listen. We have been waiting for centuries. Let's become masters of the earth too.
- I'm having a vision. It is that of a son of the archangel lineage dominating men.
- Miguel, don't try to stop us.
The snake became a dark glow that disappeared through the windows.

Afonso Junior Lima

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