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sábado, março 30, 2019

The country of lies and pornography as politics

President publishes porn tweet at Carnival (BOL)


Mônica Bergamo

- Below, the guru of Jair Bolsonaro:

Olavo de Carvalho

"The Nhonho wants to articulate c * with p * a, his p * and c * ours."

So we are arguing in the country today. It's not just the carnival shouting its revolt.

People I've never seen swearing or grotesque now send memes with political pornography.

Sex images are now part of the culture, office pornography, can be part of a less Christian view of the body, disconnecting sexuality and eternal life, sin and pleasure. That's not what I want to deal with. Not even porn as a scandal, a critique of "lack of morality."

I want to talk about pornography as "res extensa" and lie, as making a fantasy scene that does not exist in the real.

The pornographic is the world without arguments, mere repetition, fantasy of domination. A materialization of porn would be abuse and violence, lack of dialogue.

As these gentlemen do not respect opponents as complex beings, their arguments are weapons and this reduces us to equally poor responses. The authoritarian political imagery works with obedience, certainties, determination: zero of imaginary objects and many "objects" to be explored. Similar to the Nazi imagination that transformed the human being into animals in the "race between races". Similar to the predatory and amoral ambition of shareholders who accepted current governance as if privatization justified everything.

The message of a fascist group is always: "Our people first". Hence the idea of ​​dehumanization, the idea of ​​slavery, of Empire. This simplifies Europe and the West as a "Christian white." "Our way of life is superior to other ways of life," says Belgian party leader Vlaams Belang, Filip Dewinter. (The Guardian)

It all started with television and its formula of turning Brazil into the land of lies. And in society where the law is the spectacle, we all have enough common sense to agree with aspects of the message propagated by authoritarian populists. The Brazilian "democracy" was the poverty of arguments of a banker television that ridicules the progressives.

We see a young reporter call a respondent stating that "in 1964 even the liberals supported the coup." Does it refer to the military, industrialists or the "liberals" of the Marinho family?

How can a lie win? Let's look at high school:

"In mathematics, 71.67% of the students have an insufficient level of learning. In Portuguese, 70.88% of the students have an insufficient level of learning, with 23.9% being at level zero, the lowest." (G1)

Now we have a mechanism operating mass lies, finding the particular lie, capable of making progressive people spread the word about "right and left equal beings" (for prosecutors or military heroes) or that "the Federal Supreme Court is a bandit group "(so that justice can be destroyed, already so corrupted by private interests).

The mechanism can undermine institutions:

"The current president of the Senate (Davi Alcolumbre) is already accustomed to noncompliance with judicial decisions and confronting the STF .... Yes, the litigation of the politiqueira cassation can also reach the togas of the Federal Supreme Court. the ministers respond in the same way as the President of the Republic, and receive the same penalties.The cold war between the Senate and STF began. (The Intercept - Brazil)

Soon after the shooting in a school, which would lead to a questioning of the discourse in favor of arms, circulated in the nets "the true culprit": the lack of God in the heart. False signature with the name of a popular priest.

One woman said that education would be far worse in the hands of "lefties". But what about the facts saying otherwise?

On YouTube, thousands have come to the thesis that revolts against oppression are "cultural Marxism," which controls press, museums, theater and cinema, associations (eg Brazilian Association of Human Resources), "NGOs and their resources" and the Church .

Our chancellor can say again that "Nazism is left" - which is lack of study or character.

Denying the dictatorship or creating a punitive "anticrime package" is just one step in this new feudal-fake society of resentment manipulation.

Prison and blood as solution. Senator Lasier Martins (Can-RS):

- This does not prevent that the anticrime project is also discussed, because it involves one of the highest priorities of Brazil ... since we have not yet been able to get rid of a crime that spreads every day throughout Brazil. It is necessary, then, that there be legislation that regulates better and puna better - he said.

Economy Minister Paulo Guedes in the Senate tries to accuse senators of retiring with "20 times what a worker earns." And try to stop Senator Kátia Abreu from correcting him.

The society of mental control of television becomes, for those who perceive that there is the mass without information and with vote, the society of the repression of the thought, where each decontextualized fact serves in a chess of total control.

Millions of lies by WhatsApp put democracy at risk? It seems that democracy was not prepared to fight the uninformed masses fed by subtle propaganda of class war.

In twitter, a group of 5,843 profiles acts for the defense of the government.
"The data reveal that profiles are deliberately trying to impose a narrative on the facts. As this network does not appear to be 100% organic, that is, it is not a fully spontaneous network, this leads one to believe that there is a strong mechanism behind this machine - says Sergio Denicoli, director of Big Data at AP / Exata, in social network analysis. (O Globo)

In 2011, Manolis Glezos, the left's representative, said of the tragic austerity measures favoring the German and French banks that owned the Greek debt:

"They were decided by the European Union and the IMF. Now we are under external supervision, which raises questions about our economic, military and political independence. "

The tactic of Steve Bannon is to sell what you want to buy: Talking to "manage their own destiny" (where, as we have seen, both globalization and the European Union appear hostage bankers / shareholders), but the colonial president (who did not participate of debates) will submit to Master Trump and deliver Brazil into the hands of a foreign power.

Television reports that a network of pedophiles has been unmasked ("100 people"). The name "USP" appears. The details are hidden in the stream. Resistance to the colonial savagery of argumentative thinking is erased by pornographic news.

The board of FFLCH (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of USP) responds:
"For the student was not arrested at his residence, as would be typical of a blatant? Why interrupt classes with arms openly at the University? Why mobilize two dozen uniformed officers and using machine guns to arrest the accused in the buildings of USP "

Says the lawyer Lenio Streck:

The interesting thing is that, today, the judge or court, to grant HC, is ashamed and afraid of public opinion (who is she anyway?). The fear is also the first comment (they always know before all) shot by Globo News ... On the scale "Richter-Anger" discursive earthquakes, philosophers entitled Merval and Camarotti, a grant of HC easily reaches 8 points this scale. (Conjur)

Bannon would have realized that there are millions of young white people who live a parallel reality and use time in games. Many "gather in Internet discussion forums where they talk about their loneliness, their insecurity or about frustration at not being able to relate." Some attacks were promoted by these "incels" (involuntary celibates), who find in the virtual world "a subculture that encourages them to sink into their own bitterness" (BBC).

According to SergeantIncel, the administrator of the incels.me page: "In practice, this goes beyond simply having sex and entering the realm of not being able to find a partner, either to gain validation, love or acceptance." (El País - Uruguay)

How do we let so many people not feel able to deal with reality? The truth of these lives has not found meaning to escape hatred.

Mobilize instinct and simplify, in an unreal world, the web of relationships. Partial truth without context is pornographic.

The Fascist exclusion mechanism speaks of "law and order", "Jewish-Christian West", "traditional family", "structure of society", "war against cultural Marxism" ... What is missing?

"Some of the published articles (on the Breitbart portal) resemble nostalgically of the Confederate flag of the South Slaveryist in the War of Secession and border anti-Semitism." (RFI)

It has been said of Bannon that he plans to take over "the establishments of both parties, the capitalists of camaraderie." (Joshua Green)
Its inspirational philosopher Julius Evola (Mussolini's theorist) spoke of "restoring to the West a traditional civilization" that had been destroyed since the Enlightenment. (Conspiracy theories are fed into these groups).

Julius Evola, the Nazis would be admirable for preaching "the reconstruction of state authority and the idea of ​​overcoming class conflict toward a hierarchical and corporate training, to some extent, a military and disciplined style within the nation as well of some of its anti-bourgeois proposals. " (Democracy Now).

Postcolonial society may be being demolished by the idea of ​​race superiority and total elite freedom to make a profit. With its attachment to the "blood and soil" of Nazi tone, combat Christianity seems to leave no room for that part of humanity that needs to escape war, oppression or misery.

As Bernie Sanders said, democracy has to do with decisions based on truth. Truth is always complex, blind anger. Public opinion seems to be being shaped unreservedly by powerful interests, who adjust tactics daily targeting escalation by taking power. Only the struggle for truth

Afonso Jr. Lima




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