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quinta-feira, março 14, 2019

Totalitarianism, political police and aristocratic justice (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

Authoritarian white supremacy can be civilian or military. The people are the enemy.

Hannah Arendt says the hidden core of totalitarianism is the secret police. Authoritarianism, of course, since it is not a government based on an agreed common law, needs political police to control and supervise dissidents - and can count on the support of the judicial aristocracy.

Thus, also in a society marked by deep inequality, theories of innate inequality arise to justify punitivism and segregation, which, disseminated in the mass, can be reinforced by populist legal projects. After so much of Datena's blood-stained TV show, everything the father wants is a thug in the jail - and taking power with fear is easy. (Or with the fear of corruption - a campaign that has already opened space for privatizing government and against public investment).

We have a long history of political persecution with clandestine state instruments. It seems that Kennedy had a fixed idea that communism would spread throughout the world (the so-called "domino effect", which concealed the desire for liberation of the people) and in 1961 asked for training of French officials to teach about "revolutionary war" :

"Modern warfare" taught the primacy of information services, control of civilian populations, "coercive" interrogation in clandestine centers, use of the "truth serum," forced disappearances of opponents, death squads, executions and the practice of throwing an "subversive" or "terrorist" plane. (Leneide Duarte-Plon, 2018)

This reminds us that General Heleno, Minister of the Office of Institutional Security, recently said that the Church would have a "left agenda" for defending the Amazon, and it seems that ten military personnel have spied. To be against deforestation and in favor of the Indians would be "interference in the internal matter of Brazil".

According to the journalist Lucas Figueiredo, in his book "Ministry of Silence" (2005), with the end of the dictatorship in 1985, workers began to strike in defense of better working conditions and wage increase, because inflation, along with the criminalization of strikes, had eroded their standard of living. For the Secret Service (SNI), however, even in the face of the imminent collapse of the socialist bloc, the myth of communism with its "internal enemies" continued.

Whoever wants to end misery is seen as "agent of foreign forces," and social justice is synonymous with anarchy.

Even in democracy, the paranoia of the conspiracy for the armed revolution and "implementation of Marxism" justified spying on mainly PT and CUT. The first, with issues such as agrarian reform and "nationalization", could threaten the "political-constitutional order," just as the anarchists, with their slogans on the walls, could challenge "the fundamental values of national society."

Former SNI boss, General Medeiros, criticizing the Labor Ministry of the Sarney government, which negotiates strikes, says: "Cacete is not a saint, but it does a miracle." Torturers in freedom, state terrorists protected with impunity.

The people would be the enemy of the "nation." Of course, this theory presupposes an "elite" capable of knowing better what is good for the people. The entire colony needs an institution to preserve aristocratic values of hierarchy and a law that does not create a problem for exploitation.

You may think that the authoritarian portion of the army, which has imposed itself, guaranteed the most barbaric capitalist interests against the exploited majority, in addition to occupying "glorious" positions, implementing state terrorism through the idea of national security.

But the secret agents dressed heroically to the James Bond. In the same way, political judges can have their purifying mission, which maintains apartheid.

If we think of our violent history, we will see that they robbed the Negro of his home, family and homeland and, after being used as a producing object for accumulation of capital, he was thrown into the street to exterminate by hunger. Now, comes the package of Sérgio Moro.

Public Enemy Logic - Lava Jet or National Information Service. The enemy as a way to take power.

Similar to Steve Bannon's Fascist International Fascist Movement, whose "The Fourth Turning," an American Prophecy, published in 1997, states:

"The core of the Nation will be more important than its diversity. Team play and standard behavior will be the new slogans. Any person or thing that can not be described in these terms can be left out - or worse. Do not isolate yourself from community activities ... If you do not want to be misjudged, do not act in a way that provokes the authority of the Crisis to blame you. If you belong to an ethnic or racial minority, get ready for a nativist reaction from an assertive (and possibly authoritarian) majority. "

Today, a security crisis makes room for authoritarianism, which will watch over and punish political enemies.
The messianic spirit of the "good men" may come from the army or prosecutors and judges. The poor / opponents can be "subversive" or "corrupt," "bandits."

If the Secret Service came back, its prediction that democracy would soon end was right, so it seems that our minister-judge is trying to legalize the (previously parallel) totalitarian state in Brazil.

"The right to the presumption of innocence is opened up, which will lead to imprisonment numerous people who have not had their sentence defined. According to the National Council of Justice, in Brazil, 40% of the prison population is made up of provisional prisoners, that is, citizens who are imprisoned without a final judgment. The proposed measure will lead to a worsening of the already inhumane conditions of Brazilian prisons, which are scrapped and overcrowded, "said a document from 40 black movement entities to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), an autonomous body of the Organization of American States.

Afonso Lima

Figueiredo, L. “Ministério do Silêncio – A história do serviço secreto brasileiro de Washington Luís a Lula (1927-2005)”,  Editora Record, 2005.

Duarte-Plon, L.  “A tortura como arma de guerra-Da Argélia ao Brasil : Como os militares franceses exportaram os esquadrões da morte e o terrorismo de Estado”, Editora Civilização Brasileira, 2016.
Carta de Paris: Geisel : o documento da CIA, a história oficial e a verdade histórica - 14/05/2018  - https://www.cartamaior.com.br/?/Editoria/Cartas-do-Mundo/Carta-de-Paris-Geisel%A0-o-documento-da-CIA-a-historia-oficial-e-a-verdade-historica/45/40234

Política do “inimigo permanente” une Trump a Bolsonaro. Como o fascismo de Bannon usa o apocalipse para chegar ao poder

Movimento negro denuncia pacote anticrime de Moro à OEA por violações

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