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terça-feira, maio 21, 2019

The body of the men (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

The mother cried because she wanted grandchildren.

"I should unite women to defend my right. Why were you drawn?

He had just dreamed today of his mother, who had discovered with seven months' gestation that his twin had died inside her.

Lut was in line for the procedure. A white-haired man was furious.

"I've been able to defer Justice for years ... But now they're going to stick a knife in me without my consent. I do not want to have children, but this is illegal".

He told of an article in the newspaper: "It's not a choice when you produce thousands of dangerous seeds every day."

He was afraid. He, who had made so many protests at the university.

"I am from the time when the Senate voted to decide if men who had children ... Security is more important than freedom, they said. All those old men who had spread their children all over the world."

His cousin's car crashed into a tree and burned. But he always wondered if it was not a gesture of madness that he had lost his daughter.

An old woman in a car passed by the street and shouted:

- Castration for global warming!

Lut knew that they were voting law for chemical castration of all single men who were not firstborn due to the "crisis of overpopulation."

He imagined seeing his dead brother walking down the street. He had been drawn away for being rebellious.

Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima

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