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quarta-feira, maio 01, 2024

Bat and the Yellow Diamond (English version)

Senator Wiker screamed in front of a fire. Young people threw comics into the fire.

- We will end the violence! For the end of criminal comics!

Bat watched from the top of a building. In the background of the landscape, the smoke from a chemical factory and the shadow of the nuclear plant hovered over the city.

His nephew Robini had been murdered by the mafia. He couldn't understand.

His parents had been spied on by the dictatorship. An uncle of his had been tortured. His mother, a doctor, had managed to prove that the government was spying on the family, generating commotion in the city. Isis was her secret weapon.

How would his parents view the current situation, in which fanatical churches and mafiosi sponsored politicians?

He talked alone with the ghost of old Butler. (How many Nazis had he condemned with his talent for secret codes).

Mr. Ed. W. had purchased mines in Africa three decades ago. Local legends said that, in one of them, he had met a nefarious creature called Nightmare, who had infected him with his soul disease.

His son was born with strange gifts. As a child he had been lost and, upon returning, drew scenes from what was later called the "House of Horror".

His parents had died in a strange robbery at home.

The leader of an eccentric circus, Evil Laugh, had been arrested for what happened, but no concrete evidence was ever found.

Morcego - in his daytime attire - had used his fortune to create a successful publishing company. He had entered the film business.

He had started to have strange dreams. Roberto, one of their most talented designers, an 18-year-old gay man who came from a history of family violence and shelter for minors, didn't seem to be doing well.

- These fascists will end everything! They're going to arrest us! -he said.

He was afraid to get closer.

Meanwhile, Mister Egg, the controversial TV presenter, played by the beautiful Cassandra L., denounced the "red cultural industry", which was going to lead us to tyranny.

Necromancer had sent him a message from Robini's supposed spirit: "Yellow Diamond." Strange that this ambiguous being wanted to help him.

Madame Ching, the rich 80-year-old heiress, owner of the most extravagant Gothic mansion in Gothic, was his advisor at these times.

- Sit down, little vampire, let's drink that dark tea.

Afonso Jr. Lima

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