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sábado, janeiro 19, 2019

material da peça "Anjo"

Leitura cênica

Dias 26 - sábado - 18h;

e 27- domingo - 17h.

Teatro de Contêiner

R. dos Gusmões, 43 - Santa Ifigênia
de Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima
Direção: Mário Sérgio Medeiros 
Daniel Palmeira
Sandra Vilchez
Samy Dias 
Afonso Junior Ferreira de Lima
César Maier

segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2019


passeio pelo dia de sol
tenho paciência com meu corpo
observo as cores das folhas novas
aqui sou e devo ser

eu posso falar da minha experiência
meu respeito é como música e tambores
minhas asas abraçam o que para ti é feio

porco você diz
tocar a pele da rosa eu sigo
sim à vida como eu a vivo
serpente põe a cabeça fora

lixo na sua escola
tudo que é belo para mim
você me agride você é pouco
eu sou do tipo da areia o mar

instaura teu sono noite de medo
o corpo foi feito com compasso
corpo foi preso em palavras
os homens são animais na jaula

os seres mudam a nova estação
o dia de sol e nuvem escura
escola que muda eu vivo a hora
minhas asas abraçam o que agora veio

Afonso Lima

sábado, janeiro 12, 2019

sexta-feira, janeiro 04, 2019

Bizarre Brazil: State of faction, propaganda and exclusion (English version)

(This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.)

- Bolsonaro dismissed who posted 'Not him', 'Been beat' and 'Marielle lives'
Reporter Andrea Sadi showed in the G1 that the administrator Desiré Queiroz, favorite for the position of national secretary of youth, should be vetoed by Minister Damares Alves for having defended in a social network the murdered councilwoman Marielle Franco. (...)

What most impacts on this beginning of government is the feeling that the reason was taken from the game. Reason today seems to be a rather worn-out word, but we can use it to actually speak up between different worldviews - usually about the best way to solve problems. It would be the basis of democracy.
Its opposite is such a great control of information and reception that it creates a direct relationship between factious minority and uninformed mass.
This mass is not necessarily wrong at all points, but its assemblage of the landscape of problems, solutions and leaders is not defined by the agreement of most facts and by the elimination of simplifications. There is a list of "people not to be seen", which includes artists, journalists and politicians.

Journalist Zack Beauchamp comments on the new Hungarian regime:

An endless battery of propaganda, both from official and private media empires of Orbán's allies, demonizes refugees and Muslims, warning of an existential threat to Hungarian society and culture - defending the Orbán regime as the only thing that protects the country of Islamic domination. This forged crisis serves as a legitimizing tool for the authoritarianism of the Fidesz party, a pretext for the government to pass laws that undermine its opponents.

What has drawn attention is this creation of the public enemy in an evangelical-military vision: the propaganda creates a parallel world of fear and persecution. This world already existed with the "globismo" (by Globo TV), the ideology of the great media that hid the complexity and fed the desire of brute force.
We ask whom Thing is addressed: a hidden Brazilian subject, the elite children who have always hated the left and despise reasoning, the poor new cell phone who fears being robbed at the bus stop. Opinion polls have probably discovered the anger of the poor of the poor, the workers who want death for the "vagabonds." Whatsapp is more compelling than a well-known journalist.

More broadly, the oligarchy takes the state out of the way, as a regulator, as protector of the common good.
The crisis came with a sphere of public opinion controlled by the oligarchies.
The "hope in hatred" - the messiah as a solution - spoken by the anthropologists Rosana Pereira Machado and Lucia Mury Saclco, arouses a convicted revolt of the "opposition" who does not want "the same".

It was built the idea that winner uses brands. Progressives have not been able to work on the image of inequality as the main pillar of processes and solidarity as a deeper solution.

I always avoid criticizing the progressives, the so-called left, because there is a continuity between the unlimited powers of the Colony, the Empire and the Republic, so that the poor elite have never been reflected on their self-perception of white aristocracy. (There is even talk of releasing arms without going through Parliament).

But the left did not know how to name the protests of 2013 or give Congress an ultimatum to justify democratic deepening.
We saw a group of technicians trying to build on the structure of a decade ago, unions, critical thinking capitals, newspapers and institutions (thought to be organized on behalf of the people).
We find that we are a nucleus of thought surrounded by a mass without schooling, of a middle class without social responsibility, accustomed to think of profit only. Every question is a threat to order, but without questioning and dynamic order, society dies in hypocrisy and falsehood.

Moral conservatism, punitivism - which was fueled by corruption and violence.
The imagery of good and evil, now projected by TV in a new phase of expansion of salvationism, of values, of the well ordered eliminating the complex reality. the good people, the bishops, the uniforms, everyone knows what socialism is, leftism, they can guide us.

A fantasized socialism emerges, capable of bringing together all demands to pre-empt the circle of truth in dialogue, the best proposals, and its legitimacy.
Gays are taken off the agenda simply because nature - so diverse and mutant - can not belong to the discourse of Repression and Order, the betrayal of elites.

According to Moira Weigel, associate researcher at Harvard University:

"Anti-politically correct speech echoes in the United States among an audience that had been told for decades that it was unacceptable to be openly racist or misogynist.Then attacks on politically correct have become a way of expressing old forms of sexism and racism, without people being ashamed to say such things. "

According to the journalist Luis Nassif:

"Power now has high military patents, which are imbued with a Salvationist mission, a power that has come to stay. Salvationism consists in killing evil at its root, interfering in all systems that allow the spread of socialism and corruption. "

Absurdities can be made because public reflection is no longer expected. The worst is that it is not just the debate between fewer resources or more, it is uncontested domination.
Static Brazil revolts against the shake that these years of prosperity and democracy have been.
But knowing reality is better than living in deception.

Afonso Jr. Lima

Brasil bizarro: Estado de facção, propaganda e exclusão

Bolsonaro demitirá quem postou 'Ele não', 'Foi golpe' e 'Marielle vive'
A repórter Andrea Sadi mostrou no G1 que a administradora Desiré Queiroz, favorita para o cargo de secretária nacional da juventude, deve ser vetada pela ministra Damares Alves por ter defendido em rede social a vereadora assassinada Marielle Franco. (…)

O que mais impacta nesse início de governo é a sensação de que a razão foi tirada do jogo. Razão, hoje, parece ser uma palavra um tanto desgastada, mas podemos usá-la para falar na verdade acordada entre visões de mundo diferentes - em geral sobre a forma melhor de resolver problemas. Ela seria a base da democracia.
Seu oposto é um controle tão grande da informação e da recepção que cria uma relação direta entre minoria facciosa e massa desinformada.
Essa massa não necessariamente está errada em todos os pontos, mas sua montagem da paisagem de problemas, soluções e responsáveis não se define pelo acordo da maior parte dos fatos e pela eliminação das simplificações. Existe lista de "pessoas a não ver", que inclui artistas, jornalistas e políticos.

O jornalista Zack Beauchamp comenta sobre o novo regime húngaro:

Uma infinita bateria de propaganda, tanto dos órgãos oficiais quanto dos impérios da mídia privada dos aliados de Orbán, demoniza refugiados e muçulmanos, alertando para uma ameaça existencial à sociedade e à cultura húngaras — defendendo o regime de Orbán como a única coisa que protege o país da dominação islâmica. Essa crise forjada serve como ferramenta de legitimação para o autoritarismo do partido Fidesz, um pretexto para o governo aprovar leis que minam seus oponentes.

O que tem chamado a atenção é essa criação do inimigo público numa visão evangélico-militar: a propaganda cria um mundo paralelo de medo e perseguição.Esse mundo já existia com o globismo, a ideologia da grande mídia que ocultou a complexidade e alimentou o desejo de força bruta.
Perguntamos a quem a Coisa se dirige: a um sujeito oculto brasileiro, os filhos da elite que sempre odiaram a esquerda e desprezam raciocínios, o pobre de celular novo que teme ser assaltado na parada de ônibus. Pesquisas de opinião provavelmente descobriram a raiva do pobre do pobre, os trabalhadores que querem morte para os "vagabundos".

De modo mais amplo, a oligarquia tira o estado do caminho, como regulador, como protetor do bem comum.
A crise chegou com uma esfera das opiniões públicas controlada pelas oligarquias.
A "esperança no ódio" - o messias como solução - de que falam as antropólogas Rosana Pereira Machado e Lucia Mury Saclco, desperta uma revolta convicta da "oposição" que não quer "o mesmo".

Foi construída a ideia de que vencedor usa marcas. Os progressistas não souberam trabalhar a imagem da desigualdade como coluna principal dos processos e da solidariedade como solução mais profunda.

Sempre evito criticar os progressistas, a chamada esquerda, porque há uma continuidade entre os poderes ilimitados da Colônia, do Império e da República, de modo que a pobre elite nunca se viu refletindo sobre sua auto-percepção de aristocracia branca. (Fala-se agora até em liberar porte de armas sem passar pelo Parlamento).

Mas a esquerda não soube nomear os protestos de 2013 ou dar ao Congresso um ultimato de modo a justificar aprofundamentos democráticos.
Vimos um grupo de técnicos tentando basear-se na estrutura de uma década atrás, sindicatos, capitais com pensamento crítico, jornais e instituições (pensadas como organizadas em nome do povo).
Descobrimos que somos um núcleo de pensamento cercado de uma massa sem escolaridade, de uma classe média sem responsabilidade social, acostumada a pensar em lucro apenas. Toda pergunta é uma ameaçar a ordem, mas sem questionamentos e ordem dinâmica, a sociedade morre em hipocrisia e falsidade.

O conservadorismo moral, o punitivismo - que foi alimentado pela corrupção e violência. O Whatsapp é uma prova mais contundente que um jornalista reconhecido.
O imaginário do bem e do maligno, agora projetado pela TV numa nova fase de expansão do salvacionismo, dos valores, do bem ordenado eliminando a realidade complexa. As "pessoas boas", os bispos, as fardas, todos sabem o que é o socialismo, o esquerdismo, eles podem nos guiar.
Surge um socialismo fantasiado, capaz de reunir as demandas todas para preventivamente romper o círculo da verdade dialogada, das melhores propostas, a sua legitimidade.
Gays são tirados da pauta, simplesmente porque a Natureza - tão diversa e mutante - não pode pertencer ao discurso da Repressão e da Ordem, da traição das elites.

Segundo Moira Weigel, pesquisadora associada da Universidade de Harvard:

"O discurso antipoliticamente correto ecoa nos Estados Unidos entre um público que havia sido informado durante décadas de que era inaceitável ser abertamente racista ou misógino. Então, os ataques ao politicamente correto tornaram-se uma forma de expressar antigas formas de sexismo e de racismo, sem que as pessoas sintam vergonha por dizer essas coisas".

Afirma Luis Nassif:

"O poder, agora, está com as altas patentes militares, que se veem imbuídas de uma missão salvacionista. É poder que veio para ficar. O salvacionismo consiste em matar o mal pela raiz, interferindo em todos os sistemas que permitem a propagação do socialismo e da corrupção."

Absurdos podem ser feitos porque não se espera mais a reflexão pública. O pior é que não é apenas o debate entre menos recursos ou mais, é dominação sem contraditório. 
O Brasil estático se revolta contra a sacudida que foram esses anos de prosperidade e democracia.
Mas saber a realidade é melhor que viver no engano.

Confira as 17 medidas de Bolsonaro contra o Brasil:
1) Garfou 8 Reais do salário mínimo aprovado pelo Congresso;
2) Extinguiu Secretaria da Diversidade, Alfabetização e Inclusão do MEC, para reimplantar o preconceito e impedir o ensino crítico;
3) Proibiu a Funai de demarcar áreas indígenas, que agora será feita pelo Ministério do Agronegócio;
4) Anunciou liberação a posse de armas e disse que vai tornar esse “direito” vitalício;
5) Anunciou que vai impor a prisão de condenados em segunda instância, atropelando o STF;
6) Extinguiu os ministérios do Trabalho, da Cultura, das Cidades, Esportes e Integração Racial;
7) Esvaziou a Comissão da Anistia, remetendo-a para o patético Ministério da Damares;
8) Liberou as chefias do Itamaraty para nomeações políticas, quebrando uma tradição secular da diplomacia profissional brasileira;
9) Anunciou que vai privatizar Eletrobras, apesar do veto do Congresso ao processo de capitalização da estatal;
10) Comprometeu-se com os EUA para atacar Venezuela, Cuba e Nicarágua;
11) Colocou a reforma contra os aposentados no topo da agenda de governo;
12) Confirmou a transferência da embaixada brasileira para Jerusalém, mostrando que é submisso a Trump e ofendendo a comunidade árabe;
13) Reprimiu seus próprios apoiadores na posse e censurou violentamente a cobertura da imprensa;
14) Anunciou demissão sumária de servidores que criticaram suas políticas em redes sociais privadas;
15) Extinguiu o Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Consea), que orienta o combate à fome e o Bolsa Família;
16) Acabou com o Conselho Nacional de Integração de Políticas de Transportes e tirou do Senado a aprovação dos diretores do DNIT;
17) Fez um acordão com os partidos políticos que ele tanto criticou, para que o PSL apoie a reeleição de Maia e ganhe cargos na Câmara.

quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2019

Brazil - Nassif: Chess of the first days of the military government

Chess of the first days of the military government,
by Luis Nassif (journalist)

Step 1 - joining the game pieces
Let us put together some of the speeches of inauguration and the declarations of the new government Jair Bolsonaro.

* His promise to extirpate socialism and Marxism in the country.

* The proposal to unify the Nation.

* The proposal of the Foreign Minister to open the structure of Itamarati to non-diplomats.

* The proposal of the Minister of Education to transform municipal schools into military schools.

* The delivery of the demarcation of the indigenous lands, the quilombolas and the forest management to the ruralists of the Ministry of Agriculture.

* The promises of radical reduction of the State and of commercial openness.

* The treatment given to the press on the day of the investiture.

* The announcement of witch-hunts in positions of trust and the naming of faithful names to the cause, as explained by Onix Lorenzoni, the sinner acquitted by Sergio Moro.

* The inclusion of military personnel in various areas of administration, including the Federal Savings Bank.

* In the possession of the Defense Minister, Bolsonaro let loose that there were articulations with General Eduardo Villas Boas, commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, who stimulated his candidacy. That is, the Military Power and the Legal Power came together to keep Lula out of the game and to make Bolsonaro's candidacy viable.

* The declarations of Paulo Guedes on the reform of Social Security, placing as a factor of inequity the benefits for the Judiciary and for the high public administration.

Step 2 - the initial conclusions
The conclusions to be drawn:

Conclusion 1 - what is configured by the front is not the despotism, that is, the despotic government of an individual, a family or group. The power, now, is with the high military patents, which are imbued with a Salvationist mission. It's power that came to stay. Salvationism consists in killing evil at its root, interfering in all systems that allow the spread of socialism and corruption. Therefore, it is not restricted speech to Bolsonaro.

Conclusion 2 - Regarding external relations, there is clarity about the so-called national interest. Military rationality will prevent Bolsonaro's fundamentalist nonsense, like unconditional adherence to Israel and the United States.

Conclusion 3 - In relation to the internal framework, there is syntony with the thought of Bolsonaro. One piously believes in the red menace, in Marxism in schools, in the Communist beards of Itamaraty.

When one speaks of national cohesion, therefore, one does not think of conciliation around larger goals, admitting the plurality of ideas, only possible within a framework of democratic normalcy. Excludent cohesion is pursued, in which only the good men, who will unite in the fight against the perverts, will pursue.

Step 3 - the legitimation strategy
In the initial phase of the Bolsonaro administration, there are some factors of legitimacy for rationality:

1. Nowadays, the military in the government acts as a brake on the fundamentalist-religious pirations of the Bolsonaro family.

2. Act as a barrier to the business generated by the Bolsonaro funders' wing. The appointment of the military to the Ministry of Infrastructure and to the presidency of the Federal Savings Bank, for example, was viewed with relief by those who follow the lobbies games in the public area.

3. After the complete abandonment of the security area, by former ministers José Eduardo Cardoso, Alexandre de Moraes and Torquato Jardim-Roberto Jungmann, for justice, it is recognized that the restructuring of the Ministry of Justice, by Sérgio Moro, at least on paper , shows a resumption of the original concepts of the National Security Plan. The threats of political use of the Ministry and COAF remain, but do not affect Moro's support base.

4. A surprisingly citizen speech of Minister Paulo Guedes on the reform of Social Security, boldly explaining a reality, generally hidden by liberal thinking (https://goo.gl/CRUjuh): "The Social Security is a factory of inequalities. Who legislates has the biggest pensions. Those who judge have the biggest pensions. The Brazilian people, the smallest. " From words to facts, there are several mountains to climb.

The two central points of legitimization of the new militarism, therefore, are the return of growth and public safety.

Before returning to the Brazilian case, some lessons from the story.

Step 4 - The military and politics
Montesquieu, the father of legal science, the thinker who imagined the system of "checks and balances" in democracy, developed his studies from the analysis of the glory and decadence of the Roman Empire in his book "Considerations on the Causes of Roman Greatness and of its decay. "

Two factors helped in the cohesion of the nation.

The first, Roman democracy, the division of power, in which the People participated in the legislative process and the choice of Magistrates. And with the powers being scrutinized, there was more concern for the well-being of the population, with the strengthening of the concept of Nation and with the search for legitimation that strengthened internal cohesion.

The agglutinating idea was that of the infinite expansion of the Roman Empire. The achievements assured the military the ownership of land and the citizens the entrance of more wealth, with the control of new trade routes.

With the concentration of power, which begins with the Caesar era, the legitimacy of the Senate and the Judiciary falls. One enters a period of great internal security, aggravated by military violence, of which the most striking example was the centurions; and by judicial uncertainty, with judgments depending on the corruption or intimidation of judges. It is the beginning of decay.

And there, Montesquieu's maxim is proved: "Every man who has power is led to abuse him."

Step 5 - the Brazilian case
Let us transplant the old Roman order into the Brazilian case. The next phase suggests an unbalanced power system, with the military overlapping with the political and the legal.

Military logic does not include the presence of the despot - individually or in groups. The authoritarian government only legitimizes itself before the troops if there is a change of command.

Just as in the Roman case, it is a model that is only sustained by the expansion of the empire, distribution of benefits and perspective, military that are outside, at some point, be accepted at the ball.

In the Brazilian case, it does not mean the conquest of other countries, but the expansion of state control. More territories are conquered in the machine, space is opened for the placement of more companions.

It is a group logic, inexorable, that is independent of the best intentions manifested at the beginning of the process.

This dynamic will increase the military influence on the public machine.

Military logic, with its discipline and norms, is incompatible with diffuse forms of political and economic organization. In the case of politics, the fluidity and forms of articulation of democracy. In the case of the economy, self-regulation of markets. It is part of the military training to keep all factors under control.

Soon, the facts will run up against free-market discourse.

But the permanence, or not, in the power, will depend on what they deliver to the population.

Step 6 - the challenges for militarization
Take the pension reform. Paulo Guedes's speech has legitimacy, a sense of justice. But, put into practice, would mean a radical break with the patrimonial state. And part of that state is an integral part of the Bolsonaro government.

Let's repeat his statement, surprisingly: "Who legislates (politicians) have the biggest pensions. Those who judge (the Judiciary) have the biggest pensions. " And where do the military come in? According to General Hamilton Mourão, the verbal vice president, a conversation with the Supreme is necessary (to show the weight of the Judiciary in the budget), but the cost of the Armed Forces can not be seen as a privilege, but compensation for the hard life in the quartiles . But how would the retirements inherited by daughters of the military remain? And the logic of the military move to the reserve with increased pay, in the form of promotion?

It is part of who becomes power, exerts it in its fullness.

It will be difficult for Guedes to achieve his goals by making that exception for the military. It would mean disregarding essential parts of Bolsonaro's system of power, which was the main guarantor of the system - the military - with no legitimacy to address the issue.

If this delivery fails, there will always remain the timeless alibi of war. Therefore, the political exit to any impasse will be to hunt the usual suspects.
