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quarta-feira, maio 01, 2019

The Hill Paintings (English version)

(This is a rush translation. The version may not be in its final form.)

What is the origin of the Song of the Red Way? Imagine a group of hunter-gatherers who rest next to a ruin. It is a reddish column on the top of a hill in the middle of a dense forest. It was where the surviving animals reproduced. Images with animals made with coal dated 15 thousand years ago. Some recordings with flint tip on the rocks and remains of calcined wood. Suddenly, a child discovers a red band on the floor. The parents follow by her, a dog discovers underground caves. Painted animals. Figures showing large numbers of dead animals. Maybe a catastrophe. Do you decide to take shelter there? Traces of smoke on the ceiling show that possibly religious ceremonies were held in the artificial cave. 
The path was marked by a row of pointed stones. Close to the reddish column, a metal object abstractly representing the human form with an earlier date was placed on a kind of altar. The group of hunter-gatherers must have formed a village there, for several generations seem to have drawn coal on the walls of the tunnels. In the Song of the Red Path, a goddess brings the first seeds to humans and commands them to be planted around the spine. The goddess tells the story of war, the humans of the "old days" would have been decimated, and the gods would have condemned the beings to an ice age. All of them would have died, but two humans are resurrected. When language arises, the Song of the Red Path, which must have been sung for centuries, is transcribed. Unfortunately, the earliest versions of the song were probably made on the leather of Bovidae (extinct).

Afonso Jr. Ferreira de Lima

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