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quinta-feira, maio 25, 2023

Democracy returns to Brazil, and colonial Brazil threatens

It was six years in post-democratic limbo. In limbo where the will of the population does not count, and even among the elites, there are coups and betrayal (see the case of ex-president Michel Traitor Temer in the hands of the military).

Cultural conservatism knew how to prepare millions of people to live in an unreal world, for automatic reactions of racial fear, to defend themselves against "communism", "cultural Marxism", to save the family or avoid the "ceiling of expenses".

The coup was different: rupture without tanks in the street, by an elite (ruralists, financiers, owners of arms companies, even religious fundamentalists) who do not want democratic debate.

Electoral fraud with political prison - with support from Justice - lasted 4 years, that's why Brazilians cried.

Those years of government were of police working for a faction, democratic institutions paralyzed. Attacking public servants, scrapping the state. Nothing so new, but much faster and without disguise.

The National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) became an instrument for leasing and selling land due to lack of structure:

"Before (Temer), the law provided that definitive titles could only be delivered by Incra after the government guaranteed development policies that gave that territory productive autonomy: infrastructure, schools, sanitation, access to credit, technical assistance, among others. "


We even had a demographic census - with insufficient resources - with a reduced questionnaire.

The end of national conferences where structural issues were debated clearly demonstrates this government without participation - a model of a hierarchical and authoritarian society.

It is as if the whole country functioned to nourish a family and its court, not to mention the permanence of all types of historical violence and excesses of the aristocracies, naturalized and allowed.

I would like to tell you about a particular case, but one that well illustrates the feeling of superiority offended by social mobility that made the middle class support a clear authoritarian power. (Shareholders supported the privatization agenda and international oil prices).

We were in a line, five middle-aged Brazilians, two girls from other countries, then some Brazilians and me. The company employee asked that, from a certain point, everyone stay out of the store, that is, from the air conditioning, for health reasons. The girls and I left, and the Brazilians stayed, uniting the two groups.

With that, they clearly got ahead of the girls, who were left in the sweltering heat outside.

The feeling was that the rules are not the same for everyone. I said to one of them: Ask the employee for you to come in, there are now many in front of you.

So she did, but two Brazilian madams, indignant, said:

- All right, but I'm not going out, and neither is he going in! - looking at me.

The employee referred me to another store, much faster.

A caste tradition that dates back to slavery. Certain people found it natural that they had different treatment, the racial-class hierarchy is the central idea that structures the country.

I find it more and more interesting to look at the dynamics of Brazil as being in tune with the Nazi point of view, that only the white heterosexual men would have rights, the others would be exploitable or eliminable.

The worst was the creation of "a chosen group", the "liberal conservative", "good citizen", with the consequent marginalization and criminalization of part of the society typical of fascism - whether Jews, blacks, the poor or indigenous people, guilty of all the ills of the country.

This "chosen elite" has the right to unlimited appropriation and is trained to hate - a militancy against progressivism was created.

Now, the money that financed deputies - mayors who dominate votes in cities with less than 100,000 people - tries to paralyze the government and elected representatives create a bloody negotiation in Parliament, in addition to positions in exchange for support (the form of government since the 1988 Constitution, which gave enormous power to the legislature), amendments (proposals for the federal government budget). 

Thus, deputies define what would be the responsibility of the Executive. Leadership of the farmer Arthur Lira, president of the Chamber, who created, in the last government, a secret room to distribute confidential funds to parliamentarians.

Let’s look at Deputy Marcos do Val, recently involved in controversy, being, for example, subpoenaed by the Minister of the Supreme Court Alexandre de Moraes in the inquiry that investigates the acts of invasion of January 8:

“He doesn't differ so much from the other senators and deputies from the so-called bullet bench. All of them come from police careers or were financed by companies like Taurus. Committees on Security in the House and Senate became police committees.”


Recently, economist Marcio Pochmann spoke of the "ruin of industrial society imposed by the resumption of the primary-export economic model". (@MarcioPochmann - May 20) It is as if we were seeing the return of colonial society. We are witnessing the rise of export-based forces - and the violence that reflects our history of repression in the countryside.

A symptom of this was how the Faculty of Law of São Paulo manifested itself in defense of democracy when suspicions of fraud and violations hovered in the October 2022 elections. It was this faculty that started the process by which the city ceased to be a colonial village and became a great capitalist metropolis.

We were recently bombarded by a series of revelations about the Bolsonarist court - the president entered the United States with a false vaccination card, there was a plan to arrest Lula again in case of Bolsonaro's victory, effective ways to avoid the election were discussed, etc. Very committed military and the whole corporation with its image very damaged. 

According to journalist Tereza Cruvinel:

"(Congress) approved the urgency of voting on the infamous time frame for indigenous lands and even trampled the Senate, restoring articles that loosen the Atlantic Forest Law, the Brazilian biome with the most threatened diversity. Points for agribusiness". (Brazil 247 - May 25, 2023)

The Superior Court of the South (TRF 4), which covered up the crimes of Judge Sérgio Moro by arresting Lula, replaced the judge responsible for the Lava-Jato cases with a clone of Moro. Thus, they hide their own conduct, since new evidence even generates evidence of blackmail on the accused. Conflicts have worsened since 2016.

For the world, there are dangers such as the acceleration of ecological devastation, as was demonstrated yesterday by the intervention in Lula's ministries.

Afonso Lima

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