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segunda-feira, maio 08, 2023

Posthuman Era (English version)

(This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.)

A period of storms and volcanic eruptions marked the early posthuman period. It was the biggest collapse event since the so-called Neanderthals went extinct in the last glacial period following the warmest climate period recorded as the Eemian.

After the extinction of the human race, the first beings to multiply were apparently the cows.

Left free in the fields, they generated an atmospheric change, until adaptation led to population control.

Posthuman storms at solar maximum exploded atomic mines in the ocean.

The glacier's disappearance had stagnated, limiting uncontrolled flooding.

Mosquitoes grew and large mammals returned.

The acid in the sea has decreased. Humanity's bones helped calcareous organisms.

Many settlements where humans lived created natural forests on the elevations, before they became ruins.

We found a significant increase in the population of polar bears and orca whales. Giant worms have taken over the seas by processing plastic waste.

After the great earthquake and the expulsion of groundwater, the human parks of fossil supply in the desert of the so-called California, with their artificial cover made to last, become the great turtle's reproduction area.

The beautiful fingers of the reefs were taken over by new colors of fish. Beings with hard shells and soft motor organs proliferated; other shapes resembled giant trilobites.

The mountains, many of which had lost much of their ice cover and cold-adapted vegetation, developed new semitropical species, with the gold and copper left in the earth.

Birds with giant wings appeared.

Marine sediments were oxygenated by beings burying themselves in the ocean, leading to an explosion of new lineages.

The retreat of sea levels uncovered even human records from more than 60,000 years before the end of Homo sapiens, in the midst of glaciation, in the American lands.

The best preserved human fossils are in the desert regions, where the heat destroyed the first occupations.

The giant hematophagous bat was the dominant mammal that most attracted the attention of scientists. 

Afonso Jr. Lima

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